Workshop Three A
How is Oxygen distributed throughout the body?
The aim of this workshop is to explore the ways in which air moves within the body, internally; looking at how the oxygen inside of the body can have an influence movements and the dynamic this can bring.
Breath is the driving force of my research for this workshop and this means taking a closer look at Inhalation and Exhalation, the two main factors to breathe.
Breathing works in direct correlation with the abdominals, they help to push the organs into the diaphragm whilst the lungs release air and so the deeper you breathe the more of a contraction happens which conditions the muscle, therefore, giving you a larger amount of energy because of the lengthened quality of the breath, inhalation and exhalation.
“Exhaling through the nose helps control the amount of Carbon Dioxide leaving our body, whereas exhaling through the mouth may help you focus on deep abdominal contraction and may therefore help when you are short of breath.” (Haas, 2017)
Whilst researching I found that using the abdominals when breathing gives the body more core strength and stability, this is because people tend to breathe from the chest instead, creating tension, shorter breaths and a high centre of gravity which can make you unbalanced; by breathing from the abdominals you are re-aligning these elements and create a better quality of breath.
“Deeper breathing enhances core control and supports moving from your centre. Imagine your breath reaching every muscle in your body to enhance every movement.” (Haas, 2010)
This quote made me think of how it is important to not only feel where the air is around the body but to feel the air moving in the muscles and bones, if it’s having an influence on the length,the effort, the dynamic and the intention of the movement, depending on how much air and where it is being felt internally.
- Spend one hour or more if needed for this workshop.
- Use the sounds of breath as the music, this could be through my own breathing or listening to someone else in the studio or even a breathing track.
Task One- Use trial and error to create a short phrase, only moving on every inhale and exhale. This should create a bound flow dynamic and create imagery of the abdominals contracting and release.
Task Two- After creating movements, look at doing some of the actions out of time with the inhale and exhale. Do this so that contrast can be added but still have the breath flowing through the body, through the muscles and every inch of the body so it links to the sub-question.
This workshop was to explore how oxygen is distributed through the body and I feel from the research, and responding to that, I have created a phrase that makes me feel the way in which the oxygen is being moved internally.
The process of Task One, using the choreography tool trial and error was challenging because I was finding trying to move on only the inhale and exhale difficult, it was stopping me from using specific moves that I felt would of look effective because it did not match the bound flow quality that this task was looking for, therefore, I was not precious about these movements and continued to explore how I could show this contraction and release energy through different parts of my body.
Moving on to Task Two, I found it easier to take the material I had created and change it in terms of doing some of the actions out of time with the inhaling and exhaling, this was fun and it gave me chance to create a contrast to the movement that is in time with the inhale and exhale which creates a more dynamic and interesting phrase of movement.
If I was to do this workshop again I would look at how air travels through the body through the lungs and the blood system as I think this would give me a closer look as to where the air has the opportunity to go and give me even more of an understanding on how oxygen is distributed within the body.
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