Structure Workshops
- Spend one hour, or more if needed, in this workshop.
Task One- Using the material from all the workshops, start to piece together phrases and creating
transitions from one another so that it does not look like separate phrases, it flows into the next.
transitions from one another so that it does not look like separate phrases, it flows into the next.
- Turn on the camera and record the material from the workshop.
The structure I created in this workshop is:
- Workshop Two A Development.
- Workshop Three B Floor.
- Workshop One B Floor.
- Workshop One A.
- Workshop Two B Phrase B, Phrase D and Phrase A.
- Workshop One B Phrase Development.
- Workshop Two A Phrase A.
This workshop was focused on starting to structure my piece together, looking at all the material I had created through exploratory workshops after researching and looking into how I can respond to my title question, and sub-questions, in order to create a five-minute solo piece of choreography.
I feel as though this workshop was a good starting point, I have begun the process of using trial and error to mix and match different phrases in order to see what works well, what does not flow and how I can transition in and out of my pieces of material.
Although I had intended to come out with more than 2 minutes 55 seconds, I soon realised how difficult it was to select parts to put together and that it was a process so not to worry about the length at this stage. I struggled with this because it was the initial starting block and I could not decide what I thought would be better going at the start; if I wanted to build in terms of dynamics and suspense to a bigger moment with a more intense phrase or if my material was too similar in quality to create that kind of build, so I found it challenging to make those starting decisions.
Overall, after pushing through the first stage of making decisions, I am pleased with the progress I have made and found that using trial and error is the best way for me to test what worked and what didn't, giving myself chance to explore with my material.
- Spend one hour, or more if needed, in this workshop.
Task One- Using the material from all the workshops, piece together phrases, creating transitions from one another so that it does not look like separate phrases, it flows into the next. Look at moving phrases around and exploring different ways the material can be put together.
- Turn on the camera and record the material from the workshop.
The structure I created in this workshop is:
- Workshop One A.
- Workshop Two A Phrase C.
- Workshop Two A Phrase D.
- Workshop Three B Floor.
- Workshop One B Phrase Development.
- Workshop Three A.
- Workshop Two B Phras E.
- Workshop Two B Phrase B.
- Workshop Two B Phrase C.
- Workshop Two B Phrase B.
- Workshop Two B Phrase A.
- Workshop Three A, breathing movements from Phrase A.
- Workshop Two B Phrase D.
- Workshop Three A, breathing movements from Phrase A.
This workshop was very experimental, I felt as though I wanted to spend the time trying new and different structures compared to the last workshop. This was because it gave me the opportunity to continue changing the dynamics and find out what phrases, I had not tried together yet, worked and where material should go in terms of the structure of the piece.
To reflect on this structure I have gone through and watched the material, looking at it as a whole piece and also in all the different phrases and noting my thoughts on if it works or if something needs changing going forward.
- Workshop One A- Didn't work as a start, not enough of a breathy moment to make the audience engage in the relationship between the body and breath.
- Workshop Two A Phrase C- Transition from the last phrase into this one is boring, does not flow, change the order of what comes before or after this phrase.
- Workshop Two A Phrase D- The development of the pace works well here and changes the tone to create a more interesting piece for the audience and response to the title question.
- Workshop Three B Floor- Transition into this phrase works.
- Workshop One B Phrase Development- This phrase doesn't work at this point, it is too fast pace not long after another fast phrase so consider moving this to later on.
- Workshop Three A- Slow this down, even more, take time not to rush it, extend it out so that every detail can be seen.
- Workshop Two B Phrase E- This phrase does not create impact here, it does not feel interesting after the last phrase, change the order of this.
- Workshop Two B Phrase B- I like the slow quality this phrase has, creates a breath moment.
- Workshop Two B Phrase C- Not the best place, too static at the beginning of the phrase so does not continue the flow of the last phrase.
- Workshop Two B Phrase B-The fast pace of this phrase creates contrast and is interesting because of it being repeated, try this material at a faster pace and then repeated after slowed down so that the dynamic goes from a more intense quality to a more bound-flow and suspended dynamic.
- Workshop Two B Phrase A- The phrase looks out of place here, think about changing the position of this phrase in the structure.
- Workshop Three A, breathing movements from Phrase A- Creates a moment of breath, a moment to reconnect with the body and breath.
- Workshop Two B Phrase D- The place of this phrase is better at the end of the structure, however, this also might be nice at the beginning so that the start and the end are connected.
- Workshop Three A, breathing movements from Phrase A- I do not like this as the end, I feel it does not have the impact of the body reacting the air as strongly because of it being used already in the piece, so the ending needs restructuring to have this element.
Overall, this workshop was useful as it was a chance to explore the other options I had not tried in Workshop One for structuring, therefore, I was able to trial and error a different way that I maybe hadn't thought of yet and after reflecting on the material and the structure of this workshop I have a clearer idea of how I will develop the structuring in my next workshop.
Overall, this workshop was useful as it was a chance to explore the other options I had not tried in Workshop One for structuring, therefore, I was able to trial and error a different way that I maybe hadn't thought of yet and after reflecting on the material and the structure of this workshop I have a clearer idea of how I will develop the structuring in my next workshop.
- Spend one hour, or more if needed, in this workshop.
Task One- Using the material from all the workshops, piece together phrases, creating transitions from one another so that it does not look like separate phrases, it flows into the next. Look at moving phrases around and exploring different ways the material can be put together, trying to create the final structured piece.
- Turn on the camera and record the material from the workshop.
The structure I created in this workshop is:
- Workshop Two B Phrase D.
- Workshop Two A Development- Up to the roll on the floor.
- Workshop One B Floor Phrase.
- Workshop One A Phrase A.
- Workshop Two B Phrase B.
- Workshop Two B Phrase B.
- Workshop Two B Phrase E.
- Workshop One B Phrase One Development.
- Workshop Three B Floor.
- Workshop Two A Phrase C.
- Workshop Two A Phrase A.
- Workshop Three A Phrase A.
- Workshop Two B Phrase C.
This workshop was very productive and I feel I have come out with a strong block of structuring that I am happy with, there are moments I will relook at and change to give the best impact and interesting piece in relation to exploring the body to answer my title question.
I used the process of trial and error and through this and from the workshop before I was able to decide most of the beginning and the middle of the piece, there are some changes such as; taking Workshop One B Phrase One Development and trying it holding my breath the entire phrase, adding an intensity and a change in quality of movement as this will create an interesting contrast to moments when breathing is the focus, this moment instead will look at the body's reaction when having no breath. As well as this change I will also take Workshop Three B Floor Phrase out; the movement was disconnected from the phrase before and did not flow clearly into the next, it was too still for that part and so moving forward I will take that phrase out of that moment and find something that is quicker and does not stay on the ground for too long.
The ending is still something I am working towards. With it being the last thing you see in a performance I want it to be a moment when the body and breath are almost the only thing you notice, the connection between them and the way the body is influenced by the breath.
To create this effect I will try a couple more phrases that explore this quality and find what works.
- Spend one hour, or more if needed, in this workshop.
Task One- Using the material from all the workshops, piece together phrases, creating transitions from one another so that it does not look like separate phrases, it flows into the next. Look at moving phrases around and exploring different ways the material can be put together, trying to create the final structured piece.
- Turn on the camera and record the material from the workshop.
The structure I created in this workshop is:
- Workshop Two B Phrase D.
- Workshop Two A Development- Up to the roll on the floor.
- Workshop One B Floor Phrase.
- Workshop One A Phrase A.
- Workshop Two B Phrase B.
- Workshop Two B Phrase B.
- Workshop Two B Phrase E.
- Workshop One B Phrase One Development.
- Workshop Two A Phrase C.
- Workshop Three A Phrase A.
- Workshop Two B Phrase C.
During this workshop, I have started to define the order of the piece and, although there are some changes that are needed, after taking a look and reflecting on the what I have so far, I am pleased with the amount of material I have managed to place together and create transitions for, influenced by the movement out of the different workshops.
The developments needed to create the final piece is to look at the end phrase and try a more grounded and stationary phrase that is flowing and has a clear body and breath connection as I think this is an important way to end and bring the piece together. I will try using Workshop Two B Phrase D, I think this will be a stronger way to end as it is also the phrase that starts the piece so it will bring the piece all back together.
I am pleased with the foundation structure of the material and will spend a little bit of time making the changes needed to the end to create the final piece.
Final Piece
Music: Greim93 by Kon:3pUTION to: e[VOL]ution, AGF
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