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Workshop One A 17/11/2017

Workshop One A - 17/11/17
Physical Exhaustion

How does the body feel with the highs and lows of breathe?

The aim for this workshop is to explore how the body moves or the feeling it experiences when at the peak of intense aerobic activity and having little oxygen or breathe in the body. 

The outcome should include a phrase of movement divised from an improvisation task and trail and error to bring it together which will be recorded and evidenced within the blog. 

I have chosen to use improvisation as my first method of creation because it allows for me to not think as much but in terms of the sub question and the task before the improvising, to feel what movement the body naturally takes with the high point of lack of oxygen. 

"The movement of movement phrase which evolves in this way may be a suitable starting point for the compositional process." (Smith-Autard, 2010, pg 39).

When looking into the physical and specific anatomical side to this sub question and workshop it appeared that a strong factor in the exhalation and inhalation process, especially when taking part in intense physical activity, is the abdominal muscles. They play a huge role with allowing the oxygen to spread through the body and so when exercising to the point of exhaustion our breathing becomes much shorter and shallow because of the abdominal muscles gripping and tensing;

"Tension in muscles reduces breathing capacity." (Franklin, 2017) 

From my research I should acknowledge if at any points in my workshop I experience this lack of oxygen that the common mistake is the holding of the muscles all through the body but more specifically the abdominals where I should focus on relaxing them slightly allowing for deeper breathes which will allow me to feel the high point of being physically exhausted but give me the understanding of how to control it and bring my breathing level back down to a normal pace should I need to. 


This workshop will be one hour long. 

-10-15 minutes: Run, jump, physically move until reaching the point of complete lack of breathe, the state of not having the oxygen in the body to carry on being as active.

-Turn on the camera to record first improvisation.

-Begin movement improvisation when in this state to explore the quality and how the body moves/what it is capable of when feeling that way. Spend as long on this improvisation as needed so that when it feels natural to come to a stop, or when a set of movements stand.

-Turn off camera, watch improvisation to recognize any particular moves that are interesting and highlight the intention of the workshop.

-Take the movement and begin to develop using trail and error to find a short phrase. Spend twenty minutes doing this.

-Record what has been created from trial and error process.

Physical activity task one

Improvisation after task one

Phrase One


The first workshop, which was using intense physical activity so that my body could feel the point of which there was little oxygen within the body due to the areobric respiration was interesting and has made me aware of what I can explore further progressing onwards in this choreography investigation. Using intense physical activity was an effective way to begin because it meant leading into my second task of improvisation, my whole body was in a state of being out of breathe and lacking energy to move; therefore after watching the improvisation, I observed how this brought about a heavy physique with contrasting moments where I could feel myself gathering enough oxygen to release a small burst of quicker, stronger movements which contrasted against the more grounded elements of my improvisation.

I  decided to take notes during and straight my exercising in Task One describing briefly moments of how my body felt at that point internally, in terms of oxygen and the air within the body:
- Taking deep breathes to try keep breathing steady as exercises become more heavy. 
- Breathing is louder, more noticeable.
- Breathe is becoming sharper. 
- Not feeling as much oxygen in the head.
- Legs and arms feel heavy, no air reaching thevery ends, all the way through.
- FIngertips and toes feel empty of oxygen.
- Chest raising up and down quickly to match breathing pace.
- Head hard to hold up, not feeling enough oxygen within it, notice the weight of it more.
- Breathing is very loud at this point.
- Finsihed exercise and noticeable difficulty to take deep breathes, taking sharp, short breathes at a quick pace.

Using Trial and error was difficult, after going through my improvisation and choosing movements out that I felt responded to the sub question I then used this method to piece a short phrase together. As a result I found it challenging to take out certain sections and piece the, together however I do think it is a good way to go about composing phrases so would use this again in another workshop. 

I am pleased with the outcome of my first workshop, having created a short phrase and completing my tasks as I had originally set out in my plan. In my next workshop I will look at the timings of each task as I felt I needed more time on the final trial and error task, phrase creation, therefore going forwards there will be more time given to the task that requires the most time to develop work.
