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Workshop Three B 4/12/17

Workshop Three B


How is Oxygen distributed through the body?

This workshop will be using the same research as Workshop Three A, this is because my sub-question is very specific and so I feel it is important to explore it as thoroughly as I can.

Continuing on from Workshop Three A’s research I have looked further into the breathe and more so the imagery of it, looking at a visual to get a clear idea of what is moving and where to create breath and move the Oxygen through the body.

(, n.d.)
Diagram Five

Wen looking at this image, as well as seeing the anatomical aspects such as the Diaphragm contracting, releasing and the pathway of which the air takes when being transported in the body in the different moments of breath, I also found it interesting to look at this image and see the concept of the air travelling over and under, through and around spread itself through the body. This would be a new way to think about how I can explore the body and use it to create movement that might mirror this idea but also it would create similar actions and qualities to Workshop Three A however still have its own, individual, dynamic that also explores how Oxygen is distributed through the body.


- Spend One hour on this workshop, or longer if needed.

- Using the sounds of breath as music, through my own breathing, someone in the studio or a track of breathing sounds.

Task One- Spend ten minutes going through the research from the last workshop and this workshop’s, bringing them together to have plenty of information to take influence from. Whilst going through the information, take a moment to connect to my breath and concentrate on feeling it within the body.

Task Two- Using trial and error, create floor movement. Trying out interesting moves and finding different ways the body can move in response to the information and sub-question.

- Continue for the rest of the time exploring and developing movement to create a phrase.

- Turn on camera and record the outcome.



This workshop was an interesting one, I had many emotions throughout the process and felt there was not an absolute clear outcome, however, what I did produce during the session was movement which I feel is clearly influenced by my sub-question.

Task One was helpful, it gave me opportunity to reflect on information that I need in order to  expand on my physical approach to what I am trying to discover through the actions of the body. Taking a moment to reconnect with your breath is a good thing to do whether it be for a workshop or before a class, it made me, in that moment, more in tune with myself which meant I felt more focused and could feel a sense of clarity when moving with my breath which is essential when tracing the Oxygen internally as well as externally.

The process I used to create movement was trial and error, I have become better with this choreographic tool over this process and think it is my best way of bringing out new movement I would not expect compared to how I might usually dance, so this workshop in particular, made me try come up with interesting actions that were floor based and after looking at Diagram Five I was able to imagine how my body needed to recreate, in my own was, these under, over, around and through pathways I could see the air had to travel.

I struggled when it came to putting it all together into a phrase, this might be because I found it difficult to retain floor movement as quickly as I might a standing phase as the floor material was more detailed and had movements that were very similar but different in their own ways so I ended up creating a phrase and then continuing on to improve on the floor as this gave me the opportunity to see what I could explore with my body with my sub-question in mind and the feeling to do it.

Overall I felt my outcome was not a strong of a phrase however I do think that the material within the phrase the opportunity to be developed when putting the piece together.
